Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bite The Bullet & Have That Difficult Conversation!

“A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” -Timothy Ferriss, The 4 Hour Workweek.

This quote has been rattling around in my brain since I first became aware of it a couple months ago.  I have been trying my hardest to not shy away from the hard conversations I need to have with others.  What I have found is that the fear of having the conversation is way worse than the actual conversation ends up being. 

Do you know why these hard conversations are directly tied to your success like Mr. Ferriss claims?  Because you cannot move forward by skipping out of a difficult conversation.  You will forever be dragging that ball and chain behind you until you turn around and face the issue head on. 

And guess what happens when you do?  You feel lighter.  You feel lighter, because you've released yourself from the great weight you had been pulling behind yourself for however long since you decided to take what you thought at the time was the easier route.  Little did you know you were creating way more problems for yourself than if you just would have had the conversation in the first place.

I recently had two very hard to have conversations, and I am going to be one hundred percent completely honest.  I feel weird.  I did not realize the energy that I was sending to these conversations I wasn't having.  So now I feel as if I don't know what to do with this excess energy, but I have a feeling that the situation I now find myself in will get better with time.  And I can tell you I sure do feel a hellavu lot lighter.

-Lisa Hart


  1. Obviously you have discovered freedom at its best!!! Free of the excess baggage we can get on with whatever business we are here to do.

    1. That's what I'm feeling over here Pam. Definitely. :o)

  2. That's terrible, that it drained so much from you. When I hear people worry about what others think of them it fills me with relief. I would prefer being alone forever until I die to having those hard conversations.

    It's real strength of character, I think, that you even bother to have them at all. I'd rather cut a person out of my life completely than be critical to the level that would affect real (needed) change.

    Way to go! Sounds like it was hard. That's always a good thing, to get the doing of hard work behind you.

    1. I was up against a wall Connie. There was no way I could live with all the anger and resentment I was carrying inside me any longer. I have always been sensitive to my emotions and I just couldn't let them rule me anymore. Just remember we all have a great strength inside, and when we have had enough we will do what needs to be done.
