Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Disclaimer: I'm a dreamer.

I've known for quite a while now, that it's really a common thing for me to make big plans with someone and change them. I may need to learn something from this.

I really do alot of dreaming and fantasizing. I have alot of crazy ideas that I'd like to follow through with, but the reality is that I don't know which plans will come into reality and which won't. I'm reluctant to make set plans and commitments for this reason, but at the same time, I like to develop these ideas with my friends with the hopes that something amazing will come of it.

I wonder if its lack of commitment or more lack of responsibility....or just floating around without a care in the world. The problem is that it effects others when they have invested, or committed more to it, while it was more like a fantasy for me.

My heart and soul cares about those feelings I may be hurting, but my physical body and the world I live in, takes me in all sorts of directions. I like allowing that to happen. I'm not in control. Im along for the ride, watching the movie of my life, and I'm alive in all those moments. I know my transience has its effect on others, and I care, I don't want to hurt anyone...but our feelings are our own to feel and understand. I hope that people will tell me when I hurt them, but not expect me to fix everything. Knowing how I make people feel will be my teacher. 


1 comment:

  1. great post and a wonderful issue to contemplate
    its is about balance. Finding the way to float with non attachment..and still respect commitments. Dreams and fantasy are not commitments..Are you non attatched...or are you attatched to being non attached,....'0)Buddhism is a paradox...
