Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Accepting Complacency

Complacency: A feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder.

In business there is this theory of human motivation called Theory X and Theory Y.  Theory X encompasses the idea that workers are inherently lazy and need to be closely supervised.  In Theory Y the idea that employees are self motivated and there is no need for micromanaging. 

When I first heard this theory in my Business Management class I felt like I had been smacked in the face.  I realized that I am a Theory X worker.  I have always struggled to stay on task, and to not be distracted by the great wide interwebs. 

Over time though I forgot my true nature, and I built up this story around why I do what I do.  Last week that story was cut off at the knees.  I went through stages of anger and blaming.  The next day though I woke up with purpose.  I was going to do my best even though the state of affairs I saw was hopeless. 

What this lesson taught me is getting to know yourself will help you see when you are creating a false story around a situation.  You will be able to call yourself on your own bullshit. 

I will always struggle with distractions, but you can bet your ass I’ll be giving it my best effort.  Some days will be better than others, but if we constantly make effort to grow and be the best versions of ourselves we can never be faulted. 

So if you are like me… Not so easily motivated.  Accept yourself for just how you are.  And then when you love that part of yourself and you are okay with it… only then can you decide whether or not it truly serves you.

I love you for who you are in this moment Lazy Lisa!

Lisa <3

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