Friday, July 19, 2013

Recieve When You Need, Give When You Can.

When I first arrived in Calgary, I had no money at all well...less than $2
I was walking around and these tourists asked me to take a group photo of them.
We started talking, and through our conversation the guy figured out that I was broke, and gave me $40!!
I was shocked, and I graciously accepted...he said "just pay it forward"
So later on I was walking around and saw an old lady collecting bottles and cans and I walked by her...then I thought...  I could give her something...  I would have been extremely happy if that guy only gave me $20...  so I gave her half she was Chinese, and could barely speak English, but we had a little conversation, and I loved her
The End
I learned that...
My whole trip from Ontario to Alberta I was broke, and I was happy...  Everything was being provided for me.
With $40 I had more than I needed, and the $20 I gave her probably made a difference to her. She was very grateful, and it felt good to give back after receiving so much over the past week.

-Joe Maillet


  1. awesome buddha are a wandering meditant

  2. Love it, lesson on friend, lesson on!
    As I have said before you amaze me and you inspire me as well. As someone with huge phobias your travels are helping me peek out and join the world a little more. Stay Awesome!

  3. the universe provides
    the universe is within us
