Monday, September 9, 2013

Your life is an adventure!!

I remember an original saying I used to use often, since my late teens I guess...

"It's all part of the adventure!"

I would use this in all the typical "bad luck" moments. The times when you run out of gas, or you get lost, or it rains on your picnic, or maybe forget some essentials at home. It was my way of laughing at the situation, and knowing that these difficulties usually make for a good story, or a good memory if you can work with what you have.

Since then, I have held this attitude, and tried to apply it to all areas of my life. Relationships, emotions, jobs, finances, living situations, and health are all part of this adventure we call life. Difficulties in all of these areas are essential to personal growth, and learning from those experiences is what makes you who you are!

In any adventure, you really never know what will come up next, and that's the exciting part! We keep living in the present, handling things as they come, learning and growing all the way. If we look at all aspects of our lives like this and live true to our hearts.  In all honesty, we will all have lived an amazing life adventure full of surprises, twists, and beauty!

Let's go! Let's see where this road leads us, and we will figure it out as we go! It's all part of the adventure!!

<3 Joe

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