Monday, September 16, 2013

Seeing The Invisible Exchange Of Energies

I was sitting on the bus reading my book, and I noticed someone waiting to board the bus. He was maybe 25, Asian, wearing a red hat, and I just commented to myself that he seemed interesting.

From the moment he came on the bus and greeted the driver with a polite, kinda loud and confident "Hi, how are you?" He had people's attention.

He sat down, and a minute later, he says "Hey! Does anyone know if there is a library close by?" He was asking the entire bus! Everyone was interested, looking, and a few offered suggestions. I wanted to chat with this guy, but not quite yet.

So he comes and sits beside me to talk to someone in front of me about a bus route. I'm laughing to myself about invisible energy of people and I knew that I drew him over to me with my thoughts.

He asked how I was doing, and we talked about getting in shit for not wearing shoes in libraries, as it had happened to both of us. I told him that I was confronted about kissing my girlfriend in a library and he was appalled at such ridiculousness!!

When he got off the bus, I noticed that everyone was chatting with strangers, and I give him credit for changing the energy of the bus.

I feel intrigued and inspired by this use energy and confidence among humans.

<3 Joe

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